Ling Lab

Experimental Fluid Mechanics; Collective Animal Behavior; Advanced Imaging



Ling H, Three-Dimensional Measurement of a Particle Field Using Phase Retrieval Digital HolographyApplied Optics. 59(12), 3551-3559 (2020). [pdf]


Ling H, McIvor GE, Westley J, Vaart K van der, Vaughan RT, Thornton A, Ouellette NT, Behavioural plasticity and the transition to order in jackdaw flocksNature Communications. 10, 5174 (2019). [pdf]

Ling H, McIvor GE, Westley J, Vaart K van der, Yin J, Vaughan RT, Thornton A, Ouellette NT, Collective turns in jackdaw flocks: kinematics and information transferJ. R. Soc. Interface. 16, 20190450 (2019). [pdf]

Nagy G, Thornton A, Ling H, McIvor GE, Ouellette NT, Vaughan RT (2019) Computational and Structural Advantages of Pairwise Flocking. IEEE International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.

Ling H, McIvor GE, Vaart K van der, Vaughan RT, Thornton A, Ouellette NT, Local interactions and their group-level consequences in flocking jackdaws. Proceedings of the Royal Society of B. 286, 20190865 (2019). [pdf]

Ling H, McIvor GE, Vaart K van der, Vaughan RT, Thornton A, Ouellette NT, Costs and benefits of the social relationship in the collective motion of bird flocks. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 3(6), 943-948 (2019). Read the accompanying “Behind the paper” blog post. [pdf]

Before 2019

Ling H, McIvor GE, Nagy G, MohaimenianPour S, Vaughan RT, Thornton A, Ouellette NT, Simultaneous measurements of three-dimensional trajectories and wingbeat frequencies of birds in the field. J. R. Soc. Interface. 15, 20180653 (2018). [pdf]

Ling H, Fu M, Hultmark M, Katz J, Effect of Reynolds number and saturation level on gas diffusion in and out of a super-hydrophobic surface. Phys. Rev. Fluids. 2, 124005 (2017). [pdf]

Ling H, Srinivasan S, Golovin K, McKinley GH, Tuteja A, Katz J, High-resolution velocity measurement in the inner part of turbulent boundary layers over super-hydrophobic surfaces. J. Fluid Mech. 801, 670-703 (2016). [pdf]

Ling H, Srinivasan S, Golovin K, Pillutla V, Abhijeet, McKinley GH, Tuteja A, Choi W, Katz J, Flow structure and turbulence in the inner part of turbulent boundary layers over super-hydrophobic surfaces. The 31st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Monterey, California, USA. (2016)

Pillutla V, Abhijeet, Ling H, Rodriguez L, Rodrigues DBC, Katz J, Choi W, Robust drag reduction superhydrophobic surfaces with large slip lengths. The 31st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Monterey, California, USA. (2016)

Ling H, Katz J, Separating twin images and locating the center of a microparticle in dense suspensions using correlations among reconstructed fields of two parallel holograms. Appl. Opt. 53(27), G1-G11 (2014). [pdf]

Ling H, Zhu Y, Xiong R, Wang L, Xiao F, Xu M, Yang J, The behaviors of a drop in ambient liquid under a sudden impact. The 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Manchester, UK. (2011)

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